Grief affects us in a variety of ways. Some of the common symptoms of grief are troubles with digestion and having restless sleeps and periods of being in shock. This formula was designed to help with those troubles.
Hawthorn Berry and Flower release deep, old and new grief that becomes trapped in our bodies over time. It flushes it out and helps pump blood to our heart, while also helping us connect to our hearts.
St. John's Wort is a remedy for depression because the beautiful yellow flowers bloom in the Summer Solstice and they preserve the energy of the beautiful warm and bright sun. When you take St. John's Wort it helps to bring the radiance of life into your body. It's also great for muscle pain.
Peach Leaves were a traditional herbal remedy for grief. They taste like almonds and instantly lift your spirits.
Roses also release grief and they help to soften all things sharp and troublesome.
California Poppy relieves the nerves and helps to relax and find space to breathe.
Ingredients: Hawthorn Flower and Berry, St. John's Wort, California Poppy, Peach Leaves, Rose, Brandy.
Size 1 oz.