Basic Bitters an Iron Supplement

Basic Bitters an Iron Supplement

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Basic Bitters is an Iron Supplement that is also full of supportive bitters. It is made with Yellow Dock which is a common weed found in many gardens in North America. It is one of the highest sources of iron in the plant world, when you combine it with Molasses it makes it way more powerful. Yellow Dock is also an astringent, and antibacterial it stimulates the liver helping to heal poor absorption of nutrients and increasing bile production. 

This formula is yummy and will give you way more energy in your days.

 Ingredients: Yellow Dock, Burdock, Gentian, Peppermint, Chamomile, Molasses, Brandy.

Recommended Dose: Take one dropper 1-3 x daily 15 minutes before meals.

2 oz

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