Join us to learn how to bring herbs into your everyday life, and why you will be happier once you do. Herbal medicine is ancient, it's not alternative medicine - once upon a time it was THE ONLY medicine we even had access to. Over centuries our information has been stolen from us, taken away and as a society we have become ill and with little resources on how to be living healthy lifestyles. Understanding plants as medicine is your birth right and it is something I am very passionate about bringing back to people. My goal is to make working with herbs so simple that you can go home and easily afford to incorporate them into you life, and start seeing the benefits immediatly. My goal with these series of classes is to restore faith and empower people to trust themselves more with their health and to find the way to optimal health.
In this workshop we will do a general overview of some popular categories of herbs and learn the basics of tea blending which can then be translated into building your own formulas for tons of different techniques such as; Ice Cubes, Gummies, Lollipops, Syrups, Tinctures, Salad Dressings, Oxymels and the list really is endless.
Notes for the evening provided, take home some tea we make in the workshop and go home ready to start making your own medicine!
April 9th, 6 - 9 pm
@The Wishing Well
6251 Yew St. Townsite
Pre-Registration Required