Join us to learn how to make Tinctures and Oxymels and why would you use one instead of the other.
Tinctures are a way to extract the medicinal properties from plants using alcohol.
Oxymels are a combination of Honey and Apple Cider Vinegar to extract medicinal properties from plants.
Both these two ways to extract herbs have different places in the herbal medicine cabinet, come learn more about them and how to incorporate them into you healing routine.
We will make different formulas in class while we discuss how herbs change in their effectiveness when combined with other herbs in formulas and what are a few herbs that are helpful to add to formulas to create synergy.
Notes for the day provided, take home your own tincture and oxymel and go home ready to start making your own medicine!
April 16th. 6-9pm
@The Wishing Well
6251 Yew St. Townsite
Pre-Registration Required