Join us in this hands on learning experience where we will make herbal syrups and discuss the benefits of making herbal syrups vs. other forms of medicine.
We will also use powdered herbs to make pastilles based on the health issues that are currently affecting you.
Herbal Syrups and Pastilles are ancient ways to use plants as medicine, and they are very effect if you know when best to use them. The other awesome thing about these two types of medicine is they are alcohol free and you can make them in a short period of time.
I will talk about how to treat immune issues using a variety of herbal combinations and the importance of understanding immune enhancers and immune modulators so that you know you are choosing the most effective herbs to keep you healthy.
Notes for the evening provided, take home your own herbal syrup and pastilles and go home ready to start making your own medicine!
April 30th, 6-9pm
@The Wishing Well
6251 Yew St. Townsite
Pre-Registration Required